
for all the well wishes following the Dutch Classical Talent Award ! !

I was humbled my many reactions, messages, and posts –

particularly the NRC article :

“in fifteen minutes Dramm not only created the illusion that her violin is a living organism, but also bare footedly played bass drums and pedal organ, and then sang the macabre poem ‘Crossing the Water’ by Sylvia Plath – the final line of which (“This is the silence of astounded souls”) accurately reflecting the audience’s sentiments. That astonished silence gave way to Purcell’s famous Dido, in which her violin seemed to become human.”
-Joost Galema

Dutch Classical Talent

can still hardly believe that I won the Dutch Classical Talent Award 2018 two weeks ago … huge congratulations also to Raoul Steffani and Daan Boertien for winning the Audience Prize and the Ardemus Quartet and Nadezda Fillipova for playing a fantastic tour.

watch back the finals HERE

june 7th I will play my program in the Concertgebouw, and my name will be installed in the Honorary Gallery of the recital hall. tickets HERE

the jury rapport is still giving me red cheeks .. some excerpts  :

“Björk of the violin” … “knows what she wants to say and says it” … “plays from vulnerability” … “with this phenomenon the jury has made a choice for the future”