Thrilled that Chimp has been getting so much attention. Here’s a collection !
The one I’m most proud of is the Quietus Album of the Week. I’ve been a fan of the Quietus for a long time, so this write up by Marthe Lisson is a real honour. “…Chimp is a grand debut of experimental classical music. While many instrumentalists are satisfied with playing immaculately ever faster, it is the exploration and acceptance of imperfection (whatever that means) that distinguishes the artist from the musician. That and a never-ending curiosity and thirst to learn and expand one’s own skills and repertoire. I hear all of that in Diamanda La Berge Dramm’s Chimp, a pursuit of true artistry.”
**** from Leon Pouwels in Written in Music (NL). Interesting write up about empathy, fantasy, and being the architecture of one’s own fraternisation.
Psychedelic Baby Magazine had the album premiere, and did an extensive piece on it – coining ‘unviolincing’.
An intriguing write up from Loth Ezeridge at God is in the TV who is baffled and charmed.
Mr. Olivetti at writes about ‘violin balm lapping against his consciousness’.
**** from Ian D. Hall at Liverpool Sound and Vision who talks from the poetic perspective.
Not online but worth a mention : a meaningful piece by Renee van Peer in the fall issue of Gonzo Circus about the apes.
My first Portugese review by Tiago Farinha in Treshold Magazine !